


What’s the best time for taking portraits?

Usually around sunrise or sunset is ideal lighting for the most flattering portraits, depending on the location.

How does a portrait session work?

A session will last approximately 40 minutes. We’ll start with some easy group shots, and break down into smaller groups from there (if needed). We will take a variety of posed and candid shots with several backgrounds within the location. We can focus more on a certain style, depending on your preference.

What should we wear?!

I recommend just trying to coordinate with everyone in the photo shoot by picking one or two main colors and sticking to those, picking something you feel good and comfortable in. When you feel good, you look good, in my opinion :).

When and how will I receive my photos?

You will receive a private, digital gallery with all of your color corrected, hi resolution images 7-10 days after our photo session. You can download all the images from there, as well as share with anyone you wish.